Community is a sharing in common. (Webster's definition.)
Is that what we're all looking for? The people who join churches, groups, and networks? Even in the 'computer age,' we look for common ground. We want to know we are not alone.
So, what am I getting at?
I have been stock-taking for the last year, tossing worn-out, outgrown, useless junk. I have come to sorting my "friends." My first observation has been that I am a far better friend to my friends than they are to me. I visit them, call them, listen to them, fix their problems, and listen to how rotten their lives are. Then, I am completely drained of energy. I have to physically rest. Does anything good happen to them?
I have tried to explain that they can't see up by looking down.
Even church praise and worship groups don't get it. They are all worship, no praise. I have only heard of the prayer groups concentrating on what they don't have—of course, getting more of the same—and lacking.
I have decided I am worth friends who experience a variety of life. People should know blessings with the lessons life hurls at them. No matter how hard my lessons have been, I have always had miraculous blessings to help me through.