
Saturday, February 22, 2014

One Last Note…

On this star-filled night with the moon full and bright, I sat among the pines to clear my mind.

The memories of a life gone awry, always the desire to fly, to rise above what has been. The whisper of the gentle breeze rings true of what I must do.

There is no goodbye to learning to fly.

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hello You

Do you remember when you left me? When you were too grown-up to play when I visited? When you no longer found a monster under the bed, in the closet?

Do you remember where you left me? Am I in the box you packed with your beloved childhood toys for safekeeping? Did you toss me out with your once-favorite fuzzy slippers?

Do you remember the fun we had in worlds and adventures of our own making? Back when the world belonged to you and me, you believed everything was possible and you could be anything.

All the fun we once had; do you miss me – as I do you?

Lovingly,  Your Imagination.

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