
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Checking in...

Update on this years theme; Follow Through.

1. Flute Practice: I have completed book one, and moved onto guitar. I practice whenever I get a moment that my 'other' is not within earshot. He's to critical. At this stage in my learning, I don't need to subject myself to his ridicule.

2. Bunny Business: Pushed to the back burner; just a hobby. May revisit at a future date, may not.

3. Junk Purge: Attic, barn, and basement, purged of junk. (Now if only I would prioritize unjunking closets.)

4. Runes: "Party Plan" business in process. Business cards made. Had my first party May 22, 2011. It went well. Rune and Tarot Card Reader; individual consultations, parties, classes.