
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happily Ever After

     If I knew where my happily ever after was, I’d go fetch it by the feet and drag it home.

     As a young girl, I expected things to turn out a certain way. I expected to find the love of my life, my best friend, the one whom I could share my every hope and fear with, the one who (by his belief in me) would help me believe in my ability to achieve my dreams. This love was to be two lives merging into one, the unbreakable bond that no one could break apart. 

     Instead, I’ve found a labyrinth with many dead ends. I’ve suffered under their stifling anger, disbelief, and, worst of all, the necessity of keeping my thoughts and needs to myself. There was no room for my needs amongst the unbearable demands of the other I was with at that time.

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